Tag Archives: new beginnings

37 Weeks Pregnant With Nowhere To Go


I’ve started this blog in an effort to keep my pregnancy boredom at bay, yes but also to give the world a taste of what I have to offer. I am 36 weeks pregnant and am anxious to get back to my chosen field. Brimming with enthusiasm, powerful work ethic, and a passion to be apart of something bigger than myself. I’ll be documenting my remaining journey in pregnancy, the new adventure of motherhood all while attempting to start my professional career and maintain the loving marriage that I’ve been privileged to be apart of.

January 24, 2013

Day One: Week 37th of Pregnancy 27 Years and 1 Month on this Earth.

I feel slightly guilty for enjoying this day off. I’ve been working as much as possible for as long as I can remember but it never feels like quite enough. I suppose I am not unlike any other soon-to-be parent trying to prepare for something that you can’t possibly be prepared for.

I graduated in May with a degree in Communication with a major Media Arts and Studies and a concentration in Production from Wayne State University, with the hope of one day becoming a Producer in television.

I live in Detroit, one of the most economically hard-hit cities in the country. A city that’s really a dream come true if you have money to spare but when you are working from the bottom up, you live off of other people’s bread crumbs and are expected to be grateful for it. A city where it’s completely reasonable to be expected to work for free or for minimum wage after spending $60,000 to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree and jobs themselves are few and far between. Don’t misunderstand, Detroit is my home and this is where I would like to live my life. This is a historically rich and beautiful city full of possibility and I am very anxious to get back to playing my role in it.

For the past 3 months I have been attempting my hand at hypnobirth. The goal of which is to have a natural pregnancy.

“You deserve to have a pain-free and easy birth.” Reverberates off my walls from the soothing voice of the creator of hypnobabies. I may be too cynical for this to work for me but I am trying to keep an open mind. Not trying to knock this method but with the requirements to listen to 4-5 half hour segments each day, I’m not sure who this program is made for but it is relaxing and reinforces your belief that your body is doing what it is made to do.

What’s left on the to-do list for today?

Prenatal yoga and keeping track of the Braxton hicks “pressure waves” that seem to be multiplying in numbers and growing intensity over this past month. I see my doctor today for my 37 week appointment, I am anxious to hear him tell me that I am making progress and that the light at the end of this tunnel is in sight. Here’s hoping.ImageImage